East Midlands Churches Day has been operating for a couple of decades now. It was started by the East Midlands Evangelical Ministers' Fraternal as a means of expressing the unity existing between Bible-Believing Churches across the region. That unity is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ as proclaimed in the Word of God. The preaching and teaching of the Bible has therefore been central to the day from the outset.

The event has been held in Lutterworth Grammar school, (with the preaching service at St Mary's Church, where John Wycliffe ministered), at Garendon High School, in Loughborough, and most recently at Brockington College in Enderby. It has always been funded by voluntary donations from the churches.

Also invited are numerous Evangelical mission organisations which are there to inform and infuse Christians about mission, encouraging partnership, prayer and service. Provision is made for all the family and especially for children with various activities being organised, including film shows, It's a Knockout, and the ever popular 5-a-side football and kids club.

Meet the Team

Peter Harrison

Peter grew up in Thurlaston in west Leicestershire, where he now currently lives and worships, along with wife Jo and 4 children. They belong to the local Evangelical Free church. And it's been his privilege to serve as pastor there since 2018.

"The three most precious words to me in scripture are 'ye are Christ's' from 1 Corinthians 3v23. I was sinking deep in sin, sinking to rise no more- and love lifted. I was lost but Jesus found me, found the sheep that went astray.

I am passionate about EMCD and want to see it grow to a day where many hundreds gather to enjoy the Lord and each other from the region."

Sam Owens

Sam grew up in the West Midlands and currently lives in Coventry with his wife Charlotte and three children. He is a leader at his local church, Durbar Avenue Evangelical Church, and also supports running the Youth Group.

"One of my favourite verses at the moment, and it changes regularly is 'Bear one another's burdens' which is found in Paul's letter to the Galatians 6:2. I just find it so encouraging that instruct we are given is to look after one another and it's a real challenge to me as I look to support and lead the fellowship I belong to. 

Every year I take a particularly large and loud youth group to the churches day and we've enjoyed it immensely for many years!"

Joe Eardley

Joe is married to Joh, and they have two daughters. He is a leader at Glen Hills Church in Glen Parva, which was planted in 2022. Joe works part-time in a local school and as a writer. He loves the cinema, jazz music, and family board games by the fire, but most of all Jesus, who saved him at the age of 12.

1 Samuel 2:30 "...those who honour me, I will honour..."

"I have loved Churches Day since a young age. It has always proved a great source of encouragement, networking with other Christians as we celebrate what God is doing in the East Midlands. The football tournament is always a particular highlight; I'll see you on the pitch!"


Dalton King

Dalton is married to Sarah and they have three grown up children. He attends Little Hill Church in Wigston and his interests are cricket, table tennis & football- not to mention BBQ's in the snow! He was saved aged 16 in his last year at school.

"Having seen the sudden and tragic death of my brother aged 21 I realised how short life is and began earnestly wanting to reach the lost for Christ. I am involved in street evangelism, local preaching and work amongst International students-Globe Cafè"